Guitar and Piano are two of the most widely sought after instruments for students to find instructors. Instructors are quickly and easily booked however we are saving a spot just for you!
Clarinet is an essential instrument in today's classical symphonic bands, and guess what? We offer clarinet lessons! We will provide all of the teaching curriculum necessary to get the student proficient quickly!
If you can walk, you can dance! Dancing is a fun, stress relieving activity that everyone can try, building strength and confidence as you work together. We provide dance for a variety of ages and stages while never losing sight of the joy that dancing bring!
Bass guitar is the foundational low end instrument in all forms of music ranging from jazz to pop. To play this amazing instrument takes a perfect combination of rhythm and musical understanding. A perfect instrument for anyone who wants to groove along with the drummer!
Vocal lessons are a good way to find your true sound as a singer, and also can help to make sure that you are able to sing for ages to come. From your operatic singers, to choral singers, even your pop culture singers all of them have been sure to take voice lessons!
Drum and percussion lessons are available for those who not only want to learn how to annihilate drum heads with sticks but to those who want to learn how to do that in rhythm. Our lessons vary from individual instruments like the snare drum or the bass drum, to the drum kit, and mallet percussion!
Drawing and Painting courses/lessons are available for those students who want to learn the beauty of the line, shape, color, and brush stroke! To capture beauty, interpret with your eye, and recreate with your own style and flavor is a skill that can't be passed up!